Age of Sigmar Rumor Flood


The Age of Sigmar is here! Along with it comes the chaotic forces of Internet rumor threads galore. It’s been a while since I posted on here, but I felt like Age of Sigmar needed me to defend it. 

Round bases WILL be a thing, but there are pictures floating around with blister packs of square and round bases within the same pack (not Daemons mind you). This is a huge change for some, but it’s one that I can embrace. Square bases are still useable from the looks of it, but the scale of battles will be a bit more like 40k. You’ll be able to play with much smaller units in the Age of Sigmar.

The rules seem to be one thing that people are getting confused about. Games Workshop has made a stat line that has lasted for over 3 decades and there are rumors that they’re switching to a completely different stat line. The stat line rumors seem to be a bit far fetched and I can say for certain that they are not GW. The stat line that I’ve seen mentioned reminds me of Armies of Arcana. It’s a great rules system, but way too simplified for GW’s taste.

(Armies of Arcana army list)

Out of all of the rumors out there, I would only believe the unit formation rules. They’ve had formation change a possible thing in the past. It was slightly different back in the day of   1st-3rd edition. The rumors are that you have loose, tight, and square formation. I have a feeling these may not be the actual names for the formations, but the mechanics behind it make sense. 

We’ll all know what’s going on soon enough. Be sure to look out for the rule book in ebook format. If you don’t like the changes, then just remember the reasons why 40k does better in the USA. This could be what brings fantasy back to life. I’m all for it… are you?