D3 Per Week!

Over on the Oldhammer Forum, I’ve made a post in the Painting Challenge section. Anyone up for the challenge must roll a D6, divide the result by 2, post a picture featuring that many models, and get them done by the end of the week. It’s Tuesday night, and I’ve rolled a 6. That means I have until Saturday night to complete the 3 models I’ve chosen. 


Skagnut Wants ‘is Brownies Back!

The Skaven team up with the Greenskins in hopes of finally taking out the Beastmen. Skagnut is told by the Skaven that Byron the Beastlord stole his brownies. This causes Skagnut to join the fray, and the forces of the Savage Orc Shaman prepare for battle.

Turn 1 ends with a unit gone from each side. 


The Goblins throw themselves into combat while the Skaven sit back and enjoy the show.


Most of the Skaven end up fleeing while the Orcs and Goblins take over the show.


Both sides took heavy casualties, but Skagnut and Byron came to an agreement. Next stop for these new comrades is The Empire! 

Skagnut finds out from Byron that Kratch Nosebleed ate all his brownies. Let’s hope Skagnut makes another batch before they storm the Empire! Skaven meat just isn’t the same.

Back in Black!

I’ve returned from my hiatus, and I have now played a couple games of Warhammer Fantasy Battle 3rd Edition. I’m excited to get the next one posted on here as I feel like I’ve been neglecting my duties.

My first battle with Byran the Beastlord was more than satisfactory for the both of us. It ended up in a close game with only a few models left on my side by the end of it. The Goblins surrounding the tribe’s area were a simple pest to eliminate. The Skaven enchroaching on Byran’s territory proved to be even less difficult, “strategically falling back” much faster than I imagined. With the Empire close by, the two pansy forces have decided to join together in an attempt to storm through Byran’s beastman tribe in order to ravage a few hooman villages.

The next battle will be led by Skagnut himself in an attempt to keep the stoopid runtz in order. Byran’s forces are yet to be determined as the half-orc scouts were too busy gettin’ drunk in order ta fin’ anyfin out.