D3 Per Week!

Over on the Oldhammer Forum, I’ve made a post in the Painting Challenge section. Anyone up for the challenge must roll a D6, divide the result by 2, post a picture featuring that many models, and get them done by the end of the week. It’s Tuesday night, and I’ve rolled a 6. That means I have until Saturday night to complete the 3 models I’ve chosen. 


Skagnut Wants ‘is Brownies Back!

The Skaven team up with the Greenskins in hopes of finally taking out the Beastmen. Skagnut is told by the Skaven that Byron the Beastlord stole his brownies. This causes Skagnut to join the fray, and the forces of the Savage Orc Shaman prepare for battle.

Turn 1 ends with a unit gone from each side. 


The Goblins throw themselves into combat while the Skaven sit back and enjoy the show.


Most of the Skaven end up fleeing while the Orcs and Goblins take over the show.


Both sides took heavy casualties, but Skagnut and Byron came to an agreement. Next stop for these new comrades is The Empire! 

Skagnut finds out from Byron that Kratch Nosebleed ate all his brownies. Let’s hope Skagnut makes another batch before they storm the Empire! Skaven meat just isn’t the same.

Back in Black!

I’ve returned from my hiatus, and I have now played a couple games of Warhammer Fantasy Battle 3rd Edition. I’m excited to get the next one posted on here as I feel like I’ve been neglecting my duties.

My first battle with Byran the Beastlord was more than satisfactory for the both of us. It ended up in a close game with only a few models left on my side by the end of it. The Goblins surrounding the tribe’s area were a simple pest to eliminate. The Skaven enchroaching on Byran’s territory proved to be even less difficult, “strategically falling back” much faster than I imagined. With the Empire close by, the two pansy forces have decided to join together in an attempt to storm through Byran’s beastman tribe in order to ravage a few hooman villages.

The next battle will be led by Skagnut himself in an attempt to keep the stoopid runtz in order. Byran’s forces are yet to be determined as the half-orc scouts were too busy gettin’ drunk in order ta fin’ anyfin out.

1st Battle in 3rd

I decided to give 3rd a go this time. I’m not quite sure which I favor though. 2nd Edition was quite enjoyable with the small skirmish. I decided to set up a warband generator this time. The Chaos Attributes added a bit of flavor to the game, but it wasn’t as if the troops were massively overpowered. 

Grumni Sozhammer was leading his band of troops through a passage in the mountains on their way to the Empire when they came across a band of hamster-fondling chaos worshippers. They immediately pressed on towards each other.

Gholag Gorehoof hid behind the building as his warband closed in on the strange group of men, elves, halflings, and a dwarf. Grumni decided now would be a great time to test out his magical ring allowing him to fly behind enemy lines. 

The halflings were quick to turn tail and run after only taking out 2 Orcs with their short bows. The unit of men armed with halbreds charged into the small group of daemons and were torn apart. The Orc unit of 12 was decimated by the mighty blades of the elves who then decided to meet up with Grumni for a tea party behind enemy lines.  

The feral Gholag was soon overwhelmed when he interrupted the tea party. He wasn’t fond of being sandwiched, so he ran off. 

The Bowmen were wiped out by the daemons who were in turn sent back to their own realm after being flanked by Grumni. 

The remaining Orcs and Chaos Dwarves decided to surrender after seeing the banishment of such powerful beings. Grumni stood by himself in mourning for the death of so many men. He knew he would have to recruit more troops at the next city they visited.

Out With The New

I’ve played a few games of Age of Sigmar this week, but I didn’t feel compelled to show you the results due to the fact that the game was lacking something. I decided that now would instead be a great time to battle it out between my Daemons and an alliance between Elves and Dwarves using Warhammer Fantasy Battle 2nd Edition rules. 

Ragron and his gang had troubles sleeping all through the night plagued with the history of their new outpost they’ve been assigned to. The rumors spoke of voices in the night speaking in an unknown tongue. The speech heard had no resemblance to that of any mortal race. 

As Ragron awoke he heard the clear sound of a dwarven horn. He arose and made his way to the top of the watch tower to discover the coming of daemons. The speech was brutal and their shape was too. They wielded large crude blades and came ever closer to the camp.

 The rest of his group was already outside and determined to vanquish this ancient foe. They advanced at the foul creatures and soon began to notice their size.
Determined to impress their honorable leader, they made contact clashing with the beasts. The courage began to dwindle more and more causing them to hesitate at just the wrong moment.

Two of the dwarves were slain outright by the daemons. Ragnor decided it would be best to call for aid and signaled the nearby camp.


As two were tied up in combat the other daemons advanced upon the reinforcements ready to strike them down.

   The elven bowmen made their mark and struck down one of the daemons while the other ran into combat with elite dwarf warriors armed with nothing but the best. The confidence within them was too much. 


The bloodshed now spilt brought attention to a greater daemon who was more than satisfied to join in on the conflict at hand.


As both sides fought with unfaltering will, the chaos gods smiled as they saw the end grow ever closer.


The bowmen were soon knocked to the ground and torn apart by the Bloodthirster in his rage. His bloodlust was now insatiable and he was ready to extinguish all in his path.

  The dwarves attempted to make a run for it towards the camp, but they too were soon to fall under the blade of Khorne’s wrath.


With the outpost defeated, the Bloodthirster was ready for the rest of the force. With Ragnor nowhere to be found, they encroached upon the camp.

Age of Sigmar (Age of Fantasy Marines)

Warhammer Fantasy 1st edition may have had letters for Toughness, but Age of Sigmar is a giant leap for GW. The rules are free. They look fun and easy to learn. I just think they’re missing points values.

Points help keep games like this balanced, but without points it’s like playing army men with a child. I feel like there has to be something coming along to balance it out other than just having an equal amount of troops.

The Warscrolls are great except for the lack of points values. I’m very interested in how it will all turn out. I know I’ll enjoy playing the game with my group of friends, but tournaments seem impossible with the way it’s built. Maybe I’m wrong like I was when I thought they’d keep the same stat line. I know that my friend who plays Lizardmen will enjoy the ability to summon skinks and saurus warriors. 

I’ll be sure to play a game or two and tell you all what I think. I hope to be able to post a few battle reports up on YouTube. Be sure to comment if you want to see one here as well.